Wider Mission
Covenant calls us to support one another in all settings of the United Church of Christ. Our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM), the giving of the local church to the wider settings, is the life blood of that Covenant. As that life flows, congregations are empowered and individual lives are changed.
Brookside participates in four special all-church offerings through the United Church of Christ (UCC) during the year: One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church, Neighbors in Need, and The Christmas Fund Offering. Brookside joins other churches in Our Church’s Wider Mission to provide Basic Denominational Support.

National & International Programs
Child Sponsorships: Brookside is proud to provide ongoing support to two children through child sponsorship programs. Brookside sponsors a teenager located in Pfidza, Zimbabwe through Global Ministries UCC/DOC https://www.globalministries.org and a young child from Indonesia through Compassion International https://www.compassion.com. In addition to monetary support, communication is maintained with these children through letter writing.
Ukama/ Partnership: Our relationship with Sakubva Church in Mutare, Zimbabwe has been in existence since Dec. 1996 and has been an important recognition of faithful Christian fellowship around the world. Brookside provides monetary support to assist outreach to Sakubva’s community. Brookside communicates with its brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe through letters, phone calls, email, Skype, and face-to-face visits.